Are you a final year students and worried about your future? Want to join IT courses that shapes your career in right way. Then, here is the answer for you question.  Take a look at my article on Top 5 Trending IT Courses.

After completing your college education, it is recommended to take career course to fill the gap between college syllabus and corporate needs. Nowadays, IT industries are searching for skilled and talented professionals who can directly work in live projects with minimal training.

Here are top 5 trending IT courses:

  • Digital Marketing
  • Java
  • .Net
  • Mobile Application Development
  • Web Development

Digital Marketing:

Digital marketing is a collective term for targeted and measurable promotion of products or services using digital channels to reach and convert potential customer base and convert them. The prime objectives of this promotion strategy to promote products, increase online presence, build brand reputation and boost sales through various digital marketing techniques, which mainly use internet as prime promotional medium, in addition to mobile, television, etc. Digital marketing stands first in the list of Top 5 Trending IT Courses.

Digital marketing activities are classified as

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
  • Social Media Optimization (SMO)
  • Social Media Marketing (SMM)
  • Email Marketing
  • Video Marketing
  • Mobile Marketing
  • Display Advertising, etc.

The basic concept of digital marketing is based on inbound marketing, which also called as customer centric approach. Freshers can consider taking SEO Training in Chennai and Digital Marketing Course in Chennai to enter digital marketing industry.


Java is most popular computer programming language used for creating rich web, desktop, mobile and enterprise standard application.  Java is used everywhere right from embedded devices to super computers. Based on a report, Java is now used in more than 10 million devices across the world. Java is introduced in the market more than two decades ago, still it’s considered as evergreen programming language across the world. Application developed on Java platform is considered more secure, robust and run on any machine. Are you a fresher and really intertied to become software developer? Then, it is recommended to take Java Training in Chennai.

Dot Net:

Dot Net is a software framework developed by the Microsoft Corporation. This framework is used to develop mobile, desktop applications, exclusively for windows platform. This framework includes large class library that offers language interoperability that can be used in several programming languages. Code written on this development platform is executed in a software environment, known as Common Language Runtime Environment (CLR) that offer various features like Security, exception handling, memory management, etc.

.Net framework consists of several suites like C#.Net, Asp.Net, Ado.Net, MVC, WCF and WPF. Microsoft offers integrated development platform called Visual Studio. Being widely used platform, there is massive demand for windows application all over the world. It increases the career opportunity of .Net professionals across the world. Take dot net training in Chennai to start your career as .net developer.

Web Development Language:

Websites are considered as virtual identity of every business organization. Websites are effective platform for business to promote their products and services targeting the global customer base. With professional looking website, you no need to have a physical store. You can showcase your products on your website and promote it effectively. In web design and development industry, the standard keep on changing and it recommended to take web designing course in Chennai to enhance your skill set.

PHP Programming Language:

PHP is one of the most popular programming languages used for developing rich and dynamic websites and web applications. This programming language is used for developing forums, business portals, social networking sites, e-commerce sites, etc. Popular content management system WordPress is developed on PHP.

Being an open source platform, PHP become favorite programming among web developers across the world. You can consider taking PHP training in Chennai to shine as a web developer in leading web development industry. You can also consider taking training on other web development languages like Angularjs Training in Chennai.

Mobile Application Development:

Mobile application development is a collective term used to denote the process of developing application software developed for mobile devices. These applications include mobile operating system, games, utility software, etc. Mobile application development is constantly growing, both in terms of revenue and jobs created. As a part of mobile application development, developers engaged in Mobile User Interface Design, Screen Input, Mobility, etc.

Android Mobile Application Development:

Android is most popular mobile operating system, powered by the Google Corporation. This platform is developed on Linux Kernel, especially for mobile devices. Android platform is fully based on direct manipulation that includes touch gestures like pinching, tapping and swapping. Based on recent survey, 75% of mobile application developers engage in android mobile application development. By taking Android Training in Chennai, you can start your careers as android developer.

IOS Application Development:

IOS is a mobile operating system for iPhone and other iDevices, powered by Apple Inc. This platform is exclusively designed for Apple devices. This mobile operating system is used in iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. Like Android platform, IOS mobile operating system is controlled by direct manipulation using touch gesturers such as tapping, swapping and pinching.  For its incredible performance, hardware quality and stunning look, iDevices are very popular across the world. It increases the demand of quality iOS apps.  Take iOS Training in Chennai from experts to start your career in lucrative IOS application development.

Hope my article on Top 5 Trending IT Courses will help you to choose best programming language to learn after your college degree.